The Port Stanley Village Association Inc. (PSVA) is a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of Ontario, with an elected, volunteer
Board of Directors
The purposes for which we are incorporated are:
- to protect and improve the quality of life in Port Stanley and Central Elgin, Ontario
- to influence decisions of local and other governments on the future of Port Stanley that respect our heritage, our economic health and our environmental sustainability, and enjoy broad support from our residents
- to provide a forum for the discussion of all matters of public interest
- to advance the cultural and social interests of the full and part time residents of Port Stanley
Click on the Join the PSVA page to check out membership eligibility and benefits and to register for membership at no cost. Registration allows us to communicate with you and provide regular news updates by email.
You will find information on this site about our meetings, committees, the activities and issues we are involved in, photos and a history of the village....and much more. We also have a village wide events calendar!
If you are new to Port Stanley, welcome - you will love it here!
We hope you will find our Resources for residents page useful as you get settled in and that you will become a member - it's a great way to meet people and get involved in your community.